Male Infertility

What Defines Male Infertility?

Male Infertility refers to any health condition affecting a man’s reproductive tract that reduces the chances of his female partner becoming pregnant.

It is diagnosed when a man is unable to father a child despite having regular, unprotected sexual intercourse with a fertile female partner for an extended period, usually around one year.

Male infertility can be caused by various factors, including:

  • When a man’s semen contains fewer sperm than the normal range, it can reduce the chances of fertilizing an egg.

  • motility: If the sperm's ability to swim and move towards the egg is compromised, it can hinder successful fertilization.

  • (morphology): Sperm with abnormal shapes may have difficulty penetrating the egg.

  • Inability to maintain an erection sufficient for intercourse can lead to infertility.

  • Obstructions in the male reproductive tract can prevent sperm from reaching the semen.

  • Disruptions in hormone production can affect sperm production and function.

  • Some genetic conditions can cause male infertility.

  • Trauma to the testes or infections can impact sperm production.

  • Habits such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, drug use, and excessive heat exposure (e.g., saunas or hot tubs) can affect sperm quality.


Diagnosis of male infertility involves a comprehensive medical history, physical examination, and various fertility tests, including semen analysis to evaluate sperm quantity, quality, and motility. If a specific cause is identified, appropriate treatments or interventions can be recommended, depending on the underlying issue. Treatment options may include medication, surgery, lifestyle changes, or assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Some studies and anecdotal evidence demonstrate acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have benefits for male infertility by addressing certain underlying factors. Here are some ways acupuncture may potentially help with male infertility:

Stress reduction:

Acupuncture promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels. High levels of stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on fertility and hormonal balance, so reducing stress improves overall reproductive health.

Hormonal regulation:

Acupuncture influences the release of certain hormones, including those related to reproductive function. By promoting hormonal balance, it positively affects sperm production and quality.

Increased blood flow:

Acupuncture and Herbal formulas can improve blood circulation, including to the testes, which can enhance nutrient and oxygen supply to the reproductive organs. Improved blood flow could potentially enhance sperm production and function.

Sperm quality Improvement:

Some studies have suggested that acupuncture and Herbal medicine leads to improvements in sperm parameters, such as sperm count, motility, and morphology.

Immune system modulation:

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have immunomodulatory effects, and are beneficial in cases where male infertility is related to immune system dysfunction.


If you are considering acupuncture for male infertility, it’s essential to consult with a qualified acupuncturist who has experience in treating fertility issues. Additionally, it’s advisable to work with a fertility specialist or urologist to address any underlying medical conditions that might be contributing to the infertility. Together they can provide a holistic and evidence-based approach to improve the chances of conception.

Here are some helpful Resources: